I wrote this blog a few years ago and now in these scary times I feel it is even more relevant
For as long as I remember I have always loved looking at photographs. I remember from a very young age getting my Mums photo albums out and looking through them over and over again. Asking questions about who was in them and where was it taken, what are we wearing? lol It passed many an hour.
Now many years later and I'm a photographer. I have the absolute pleasure of being asked to capture special moments in families lives. Be it birthdays, family portraits, special occasions and not forgetting weddings. Now with weddings I don't usually hear what I'm about to chat about but on the other occasions I have come across it quite a few times.

Parents not wanting their photograph taken!!!!!
*Are you Missing?*
As much as is possible I encourage parents (I can be very persuasive) to jump in for a few shots at the end of the session. I can tell you that not once has it been regretted. They love having shots of the fun moments of the shoot captured and always choose them as part of their package. It's so very important to be able to look back at photographs and smile at the memory it evokes. And what about the children? They might not remember the shoot but they have a photograph to cherish once we are long gone.
Parents not wanting their photograph taken!!!!!
*Are you Missing?*
As much as is possible I encourage parents (I can be very persuasive) to jump in for a few shots at the end of the session. I can tell you that not once has it been regretted. They love having shots of the fun moments of the shoot captured and always choose them as part of their package. It's so very important to be able to look back at photographs and smile at the memory it evokes. And what about the children? They might not remember the shoot but they have a photograph to cherish once we are long gone.
Now I know I'm so very lucky nay blessed to still have both my parents still with me. Does this stop me looking at photos of them? No way!!!! A few years ago I bought a scanner and went to my Parents house and scanned all their photographs.I am so glad I did, because now I can look at them whenever I want. Absolute pleasure to do.
Yellowed Sellotape and all. As I said before I cannot get enough of photographs. They are so very precious.
So the next time you are about to utter an excuse, be it "I've no make up on" or "nah I'm alright over here" or " no thanks I'm shy" whatever, just remember your children won't care or even notice in years to come if you had your hair done or if you are still in your work clothes, no make up on etc .... guess what??? It's not about you.
It's about those little people that love you to bits. All they will see is their wonderful loving Parents. Please don’t be missing. Get into those photos, take the selfies with your family.
"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." Dorothea Lange